Break Bad Habits of American Bulldog

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March 11, 2014

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Every dog has his own character and habits, but if they negatively influence your life and life of your dog bad habits should be broken over time. It is extremely hard to deal with stubborn dogs, but if you do not break their bad habits at an early age, it will become more difficult to keep a dog in the house in the future. So, let's learn how experts recommend to break the dog's habits.

Barking dog is a good guardian of your home, but the dog barking all the time is a real nightmare! The important thing is that he should stop when you want him to stop. Dog experts recommend to use a bottle with water to prevent dog barking. If your dog proceeds with barking spray the water on him. He will not like your actions and will stop doing it. You can also try to clap your hands in order to attract his attention. These actions are not cruel, but effective in dog behavior correction.
People often complain that their dogs beg for food. According to dog experts, the best way to stop it is not to let it happen. Never feed your dog when you are at the table. It is better to put your dog in the other room while you are having a meal otherwise your dog will start jumping, barking and will even try to steal the food from the table.
Please, be advised that bad habits must be broken as soon as possible. The older the dog is, the harder it is to correct his behavior.


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